Muhammad Ali: His Life and Times by Thomas Hauser

Only about a quarter of the book was written by the author. The rest was excerpts of interviews with people who Ali knew and with Ali himself. Basically it was a collection of interview excerpts arranged in a logical order. One of the most eye opening parts of the book was how much it taught me about the Nation of Islam. I had no idea of the extent of the black supremacy that was part of it. Even though Ali later changed his views I was surprised at his stance on segregation early on. No one had anything bad to say about Ali, and I guess that’s ok as long as you remember this is a book more about celebrating his achievements than an accurate historical account. I am a martial artist but boxing is not my preferred discipline. I keep half an eye on what’s currently going on in the boxing world, but I don’t know a lot of boxing history. I think someone who knew nothing of the boxing world could read this and not be lost in the history and terminology of the sport, yet t...