2018 Read Harder Challenge

I’ve decided to take part in a reading challenge this year. Book Riot run a challenge every year called the Read Harder Challenge, aimed at getting you out of your reading comfort zone. You can find this year’s challenge here . It’s only 24 items long so I’ve added some self-imposed rules to make it better match my own reading goals. No double ups. Each item on the list must be a different book. Even if a book qualifies for different items I can only count it for one of them. Wherever possible the book needs to come from my already existing reading list . These are books that I already have a copy of, either a hard copy or on one of my devices. This serves the double purpose of getting through some more items on my TBR list as well as stopping me from spending too much money on new books. Here’s the challenge list and the books I’ve chosen to read for each one. I still have three items that I haven’t chosen books for. I’ve either been unable to find anything on my ...