Book Review: Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

I began Anna Karenina thinking it was a love story. There is a love story within the pages of this novel, but I don’t think it involves the title character. Perhaps I just came into this reading with incorrect preconceptions about what to expect. Anna Karenina is really the story of three relationships. There are Anna and Vronsky, Kitty and Levin, and Dolly and Stiva. The tangle of connections between these six people is what the novel is really about. As you’re introduced to more characters in the story you build up something like a family tree, literally for some of the characters, but it also shows the wider network of associations of who knows who and how. I find this gradual building up of complexity draws me into the novel and brings the world to life. The biggest surprise in reading this was the precision with which Tolstoy conveyed the women’s emotions, especially when they had been, or thought they had been, betrayed by their partner. The opening section of the nov...