Short story: Endling by Alice Elizabeth
“Do you know what an endling is, Captain?” the creature asked. “No. I haven’t heard that term before. What is an Endling?” the Captain entertained the question. “An endling is the last individual of an entire species.” He let that sink in. “That’s me. I am an endling.” “All species come to an end eventually. Either through an extinction event or evolution, when they become a new, different species. Nothing is stagnant. The universe is ever changing”, the Captain reasoned. “Yes, but how do you think I feel towards you, knowing that you were the ‘extinction event’, as you call it, for my particular species? I can tell you it’s not kindly. I’d rather you just leave me alone to die, Captain. I’m not going to participate in any more of your pointless tests. I think you’ve gathered enough data on my species. There’s little point gathering any more, seeing as how we’re all dead.” The creature crossed its cell, lay down on its narrow bed and turned its back to the transparent wall, w...