Book Review: The Strain by David Lapham and Mike Huddleston
I’m really enjoying expanding my reading sphere into comics and graphic novels. I still think I don’t have a proper appreciation for the artwork side of it, but I really like how quickly the story moves and different way you become involved with the characters through their dialogue and actions.
After I started reading The Strain I realised that I’d seen the first season of TV show adaptation of this story. I enjoyed the show though, so I didn’t mind following along again.
This story is another modern take on vampires and it pretty much ticks all the boxes. The end of the world, ancient creatures, rich old dudes trying to take advantage, stubborn authorities who don’t believe what’s really happening. It’s all there and mixed up together in the perfect amounts.
I still feel as though I’m not doing justice to the artwork side of things. I really don’t have the knowledge to appreciate it properly. But if it does the job required and I can see what’s happening and I don’t get confused, then it gets a thumbs up from me.
The only thing I don’t like about comic books is how they come in such small doses. Just as it starts to get good it’s the end of the issue and you have to go find or wait for the next one. I think I’m a wait-for-the-compendium-to-be-released type reader. I get frustrated at the story being broken up into bite-sized chunks.
I really enjoyed this first part of The Strain. I would definitely pick up a complete volume to continue reading it.
5 out of 5 stars.
The Strain meets criteria eighteen for the 2018 Read Harder Challenge.
Have you read The Strain? Did you enjoy it? Let me know in the comments below!
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